Five Easy Beauty Resolutions for the New Year

It’s that time of year again when people are busy making and breaking their new year resolutions.

Here are five easy beauty resolutions that you can easily integrate into your routine for better skin and better health.

Take a Holistic Approach

A bottle of expensive lotion isn’t going to do much for your skin if you don’t look after yourself from the inside out. I know it seems obvious but it’s a fact - you are what you eat.

Make one improvement at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed (like eating more fruit or drinking more water) and take it from there.  

Be Your Own Skin Detective

Learn about what you are putting on your skin as the ingredients can travel much deeper than your top layer. Do you really want parabens and triclosan lurking in your system for years to come?

A recent study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives demonstrated how even a short break from certain kinds of lotions and potions can lead to a significant drop in levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals in the body. You can read more about the study here.

Keep it Simple

There are two ways that you can simplify your routine and that includes the number of products that you use and the number of ingredients in the products that you use.

Do you really need a face oil, hair oil and a nail oil when one oil can easily be used for multitasking? And if you are using less ingredients in your routine the less chance you have of skin irritation. 


Cleansing is really important but you can overdo it so cleanse at night to rinse away all the dirt and pollution of the day.

I no longer cleanse in the morning because I felt like I was overdoing it so all I do now first thing is rinse my face in the shower and I’m good to go.

And I like to exfoliate with a teaspoon of sugar once a week and my skin feels lovely and soft afterwards!  

Try Something New

If you have been meaning to try a new natural product for a while like I have, whether it be deodorant or nail polish, give it a whirl in 2017.

Or for something completely different how about trying face yoga which is really effective for releasing tension in the facial muscles. It is also a great excuse to pull funny faces which will inevitably have you rolling around on the floor in laughter. 


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